5 salg på 5 dager
la oss gi fotobedriften din en skikkelig boost med flere salg
Bli med på dette kurset og lær nye strategier som kan sikre deg nye salg.
er viktigere for bedriften din enn synlighet
Gi bedriften en boost og bevis for deg selv at du kan få det til, og at det er verdt det å fortsette.
When you first started out as a photographer you thought your days would be spent photographing cute babies and going to stunning weddings. And instead your days are spent trying to find those people who want you to take their picture. Where’s the fun in that!?
You should be out there doing what you do best. Why aren’t your dream clients finding you; falling head over heels about your work!?
You want a business where you get all your marketing done in only a few hours a week, and spend the rest of the time shooting dream clients that feel like friends.
Line Owren
“Jeg deltok nylig på Ingvild Kolnes’ digitale salgskurs “5 salg på 5 dager”, og jeg er superfornøyd! 🌟 Kurset har allerede gitt konkrete resultater! 🤩 Anbefaler dette kurset for de som ønsker å forbedre salgsferdighetene sine 🙌”
“Jeg er superfornøyd!”
Dette er det du
lærer hver leksjon
leksjon 1
Unlocking Opportunities
You probably have people in your inbox dying to work with you. And you’re completely missing the mark. Let’s fix that, shall we?
leksjon 2
Maximizing Your Offerings
Dive into your offerings and strategically plan your sales approach. I bet you’ll be surprised by what you discover.
leksjon 3
Make the most of Social Media
Craft and share compelling social media posts and stories. It’s a great way to spread the word and support your sales efforts.
leksjon 4
The Art of Pitching
Perfect your pitching skills. Reach out to potential clients with confidence. You don’t want anyone to miss out, do you?
leksjon 5
Rinse and Repeat for Ongoing Success
Discover that success doesn’t always come from where you expect. And add this structure to your existing workflow.
5 leksjoner
dette er for
deg som vil
Selge mer – med selvsikkerhet
bevis for deg selv at du kan selge mer når du bestemmer deg for det.
Øke omsetningen din.
gi deg selv et boost og få inn ekstra penger før året er over.
ha en strategi klar når du trenger det.
bruk disse strategiene når du trenger ekstra penger eller bruk dem i din vanlige workflow.
hei, jeg heter
I’m an educator and mentor for photographers.
My job, and my passion, is to help talented but overworked photographers like you get back in touch with the artist you want to be. Where you work with dream clients without having to work too much.
I do this by helping you build your confidence and set boundaries, and teach you to charge what your work is worth through a 7-step program so that you can make a living from your creativity.
It starts here, with the live workshop series.
virker dette
ikke gå glipp av
flere salg
Du kan forbli passiv, og bare vente å se hva som skjer uten at du gjør noen endringer
du kan velge å lære effective strategier
Meld deg på nå og gjør en endring i fotobedriften din med Fotografens salgsstrategi. Oppdag ditt eget potensial for å få inn flere salg, og la tiden du bruker på dette kurset bli ekstra lønnsomt!
Dette kurset vil hjelpe deg å lage effektive salgsstrategier.

bonus course
Fill your calendar
– a powerful game plan to book dream shoots through your website.
This course can take you from begging for more shoots and working with the wrong people to having to turn people away.
– get your website to show up on google
– create information and inspiration that your dream client will rave over
– build a website that will get people rushing to contact you
– have clients booking you, instead of ghosting you
…all in a simple and practical way, without wasting time on things you don’t need to know!
Normally $594 – now included as a limited-time bonus.
bonus expires in
vanlige spørsmål
“OMG! Let me just say! I did the course this summer. And it is worth it. I can’t wait to see how it will affect my business and life.”